Can I Make a Carpal Tunnel Injury Claim?

Can I Make a Carpal Tunnel Injury Claim?

Do you experience weakness or numbness when gripping objects with one or both hands? Chances are, you may be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, mainly caused when the space (the carpal tunnel) in the wrist narrows due to repetitive finger use—affecting approximately 3 to 6 percent of workers (generally women, three times more often than men).

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?

Initially documented in the mid-1800s, and with the first operation performed on a patient in the 1930s, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common condition caused when the median nerve is compressed or squeezed through the wrist—affecting the thumb, middle, ring, and index finger. The most common symptoms include discomfort, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hand and forearm.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

The emergence of CTS symptoms may start slowly, over months or even years, and can be challenging to detect. Tingling sensations in the hands and fingers (frequently characterized as a “pins and needles” sensation) are the first symptoms individuals may experience. In contrast, some individuals cannot distinguish between warmth and cold with their hands and fingers due to this neurological condition. Other signs and symptoms may include:

  • The fingers feel swollen and clumsy.
  • Loss of dexterity in the thumb or fingers.
  • Losing the capacity to do manual duties.
  • Tingling and numbness after exercising.
  • Pain in hand, up to the arm, and shoulders.

Does Carpal Tunnel Count as a Work Injury in Illinois?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or any other ailment, must have occurred due to the employee’s execution of work-related tasks to be classified as a work injury. A workers’ compensation claim and benefits may be available to you if you can demonstrate that your wrist discomfort increased significantly after the performance of a particular job or work-related activity at your place of employment. 

*Note that some employers often attempt to demonstrate that repetitive strain ailments such as carpal tunnel are not connected to their jobs to avoid paying compensation.

Filling a Legal Claim for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you have been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you may be able to file a legal claim to get a settlement for your injuries and associated losses in the future (your “damages” in legalese) or sue the employer under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). 

It’s important to remember that not every diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will result in a successful claim.  In addition, regardless of the kind of claim you file, the success or failure of your case will very certainly be determined by your (and your doctor’s) ability to identify the underlying cause of your medical condition.

CTS Workers’ Compensation Claim

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is recognized as a compensable medical ailment under most states’ workers’ compensation systems. Your medical expenditures and lost income and compensation for any degree of impairment may be recoverable depending on your injury type and the state in which you reside. Therefore, if you’ve been experiencing symptoms of CTS due to the repeated motions or tasks required by the employer, you may be eligible to make a claim. 

*Considering that repetitive motion injuries may take months or even years to manifest, your claim will still remain valid even if you have left that job.

Carpal Tunnel Workers’ Compensation Average Settlement

It’s difficult to provide a specific figure for the typical payout of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Workers’ Compensation since the amount of compensation is determined mainly by the severity of the injuries, the amount of medical care you need, and the length of time you are out of work. 

The most effective approach is to consult with an attorney specializing in workers’ compensation claims. This will ensure that your claim is assessed accurately and that you get a fair settlement for your injuries. However, here’s a basic overview for your consideration.

  • Mild ($1,000 – 24,627)
  • Moderate to Severe ($24,627 – $30,510)
  • Extremely Severe ($30,510+)

How Attorneys Can Help With CTS Workers’ Compensation

The insurance company may not agree to compensate at the employer’s request. Still, the question is, how can you be aware of whether or not the care you are receiving from your insurance is reasonable? That’s where lawyers come in. Every year, thousands of people in the United States are diagnosed with CTS, and many of them have grounds to seek compensation. However, without the assistance of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, their prospects of receiving any compensation are limited to none. Moreover, a lawyer:

  • Investigates if there is a third-party claim. 
  • Complete the necessary measures to report the claim correctly. 
  • Work tirelessly to ensure that the payout accurately represents your legal rights.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is painful and sometimes debilitating damage to the median nerve traveling from the forearm to the palm, affecting the thumb, index, and forefinger—typically caused by repetitive motion or excessive usage of the fingers, usually experienced at the workplace. 

However, when you develop a work-related ailment such as CTS, neither your employer nor any insurance providers involved will have your best interests at heart. Your employer will always prioritize the bottom line above anything else, no matter how long you have worked for them or how friendly your relationship is with management. 

To establish your case and ensure that you are adequately treated in the eyes of the court system, connect with an attorney ASAP.

Win Workers’ Compensation with WIN Injury Network

If your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is clearly work-related, demands extensive medical treatment, and has resulted in a temporary or permanent disability, search no further. With years of experience in the industry, we understand how complicated it can be to claim workers’ compensation; therefore, our lawyers have the experience and knowledge to get you the compensation you deserve.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation.