Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation Help
Whether you have legal questions, are being denied medical services after your accident, or are struggling financially as a result of your injury, we can help. The professionals in our network will provide the specific type of help required by your case. To make your life easier, a WIN case manager will coordinate the efforts of everyone involved in your care.
WIN Medical Services
After an accident, your health is typically the first aspect of your life that is disrupted. Our network of medical professionals is ready to provide the care you need to treat your specific injury. We can help regardless of what your employer or insurance company tells you.

WIN Legal Services
Weather your injuries happened on the road, using a product, or during the performing of your work duties, the law protects you against someone else's negligence. Through our network of attorneys, we will provide you with expert representation to fight for the maximum compensation for your case.
WIN Financial Services
Getting injured can be a very stressful and disruptive experience, particularly if you are not able to work as a result of your injuries. The professionals in our network can help you get financial relief by fighting for your monetary benefits and even lending you money if you have a pending settlement.