Average Worker’s Comp Settlement for Surgery

Workers’ compensation is a core part of the American workforce, often known as a product of the Industrial Revolution. However, its origins may be traced back to ancient Sumerian law (2050 B.C.). 

Workplace conditions in early factories were notoriously difficult, which was connected with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. There were several risks, and the incidence of injury was reasonably high. Even though injured employees were rarely compensated, they could seek assistance from the courts.

With a few exceptions, the legal framework for compensating injuries was very restrictive – so restrictive that the following principles came to be referred to as the “unholy trinity of defenses” because of their inherent constraints.

Rise of Workers’ Comp in the United States

Workers who were injured on the job had to struggle for compensation for their lost earnings, medical bills, and other damages before workers’ compensation laws were introduced in the United States. Formerly, it was a lengthy, expensive, and disruptive judicial struggle.

All 50 states passed their respective workers’ compensation laws over 37 years in the United States. Wisconsin was the first state to do so in 1911. Workers’ compensation laws were passed in nine more states during the same year. In the next nine years, 36 states approved legislation. Mississippi became the last state to establish a workers’ compensation statute in 1948.

How Workers’ Comp Settlement Work?

Accidents and injuries in the workplace are unavoidable in the corporate world. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2.8 million nonfatal occupational illnesses or injuries were reported by private employers in the United States in 2019. Additionally, businesses in the United States spend approximately $62 billion on lost-time job injuries each year. 

To protect employers and employees from the financial risks associated with workplace injuries, nearly every state mandates organizations with employees to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage. In addition, it protects injured employees by paying expenditures such as injury-related medical bills, a percentage of lost income, and disability benefits. If you experience a work-related injury, notify your employer as soon as possible, or you may lose the benefits. 

Depending on the form, states have varying deadlines for reporting a workers’ compensation injury, ranging from 72 hours to two years. Most employers demand a report within 30 days of the incident to begin the workers’ compensation claims procedure. Every employer should take the following procedures in action:

  • The first step for an employer is to become aware of an injury as soon as possible and assist the employee is receiving the appropriate treatment. 
  • The next step is to describe what occurred and identify potential safety risks. This might entail taking notes on witness testimony and taking photographs. 
  • Once this is completed, it is usually the responsibility of the employer to file a workers’ compensation claim with their insurance carrier. Although the rules differ from state to state, they may be required to provide paperwork to the state workers’ compensation board.

Once submitted, the workers’ compensation insurance company will approve or deny a claim. Upon approval of the workers’ compensation claim, the insurance company will reimburse for any medical expenses incurred due to the injury. If the claim is denied, the injured worker may file an appeal and, if necessary, retain the services of an attorney.

Average Workers’ Comp Settlement

On-the-job injuries or illnesses may occur in any organization, regardless of the industry—the workers’ compensation insurance policy might help in this situation. An injured worker may submit a claim and receive weekly payments to cover medical expenses and lost income. Workers’ compensation insurance and workman’s compensation are two names for this kind of coverage. 

Keep in mind that this coverage will not assist an employee who suffers a personal injury that is not connected to their job. Employees who get compensation payments receive a percentage of their average weekly income, determined by the state workers’ compensation insurance rules.

For example, you made $60,000 last year after working for 245 days. If you divide $60,000 by 245, your average daily wage is $244.89. Next, multiply $244.89 by 260 (the number of working days in a year). That should equal $63,671.4. Finally, divide $63,671.4 by 52 (the number of weeks in a year) to get your average weekly wage of $1,224.45.

Insurance companies often give workers’ compensation settlements to settle a claim with a smaller amount. It typically takes 12 to 18 months to reach a settlement agreement. Still, the time frame might be extended to 24 months or beyond if the claim is complicated or legal concerns develop during the negotiation process.

Average Workers’ Comp Settlement for Surgery

An injured worker’s ability to return to work and the extent to which he or she is disabled all influence the amount of money that may be recovered via a workers’ compensation settlement. It is possible that undergoing surgery can increase the overall value of workers’ compensation cases, depending on the situation. This is especially true if an injured worker continues to have some level of disability following the surgery.

Medical benefits (which cover the expenses of treating work-related injuries) are commonly available to injured workers. However, injured employees may be eligible for additional benefits when an accident requires surgery.

  • Temporary disability benefits compensate an injured worker for a percentage of their missed income (typically up to 60% or 66% tax-free). 
  • Permanent disability benefits cover a percentage of lost pay if an injured worker cannot return to their previous employment.
  • Suppose a worker requires rehabilitation or retraining to return to work or find new employment after surgery safely. In that case, they may be eligible for benefits to cover these expenses in most states.

It is always recommended to consult with an attorney to receive all of the worker’s compensation payments to which you are legally entitled, especially for surgery. An attorney will convince the insurance company to take your settlement attempts seriously and ensure that you don’t settle for less than you deserve.

Get Workers’ Compensation You Deserve with WIN Injury Network

If you have been injured on the job and are experiencing difficulty collecting benefits, contact a workers’ compensation attorney at WIN Injury Network. We provide free consultations, and you will not be charged anything in advance. Our attorneys will only be compensated if successful in recovering money on your behalf. Contact us today for a free case evaluation!